
Up with the lark (well 6.45) as it was a beautiful day.  Used new turkish towel which covered me in light down and bits.  So washed them both - excellent drying day.  Walked for an hour and a half on the moor - contour round from small road car park and back along tramway. Heard 2 cuckoos.  First of the year.   Then went to see Mary at last.  Stayed for coffee. A visitor talked non stop at the resident she was visiting.  We heard every aspect of her life.  Still I can never think of anything to say. Got home at 12 and washed all dog towels and fleeces from back of car. Spent a couple of hours enjoying sunshine on patio. Have moved table and chairs nearer door into more sun. Got the sun lounger out too -has a mind of its own!  Had jacket potato for lunch. In afternoon cleaned out back porch including many spider nests (complete with spiders! ). Eventually my nerve gave out so left the last couple.  Walked for over an hour in Parke later. Played with suki and let her play in the river quite a lot. The weir looks very different now from the raging torrent it has been previously.   Had tortellini and garlic bread for supper with glass of red wine.  Went to bed early and watched Midsomer murders. 

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