
A beautiful sunny day.  Mike dropped me and Suki off at Chiswick Roundabout at 8 am (he went off to ring QPs in Newbury area) and I walked to Richmond from Kew Bridge.  It was pointed out to me last night that if I did that I would miss out the great oxbow of the river!  It was much better.  Walked slowly along the Thames Path and arrived at jewellers at 9.57 - they opened at 10 am.  Took advantage of community toilet scheme to use toilets in House of Fraser!  Back by tube - walked up to printers to look at certificate proof - only to find they are shut on Saturdays.  Got home and mowed lawn then put out washing and spent rest of the afternoon finishing off computer organising and housekeeping project.  Then did ironing and watched CSI.  Later set up internet access and DVD player on TV - all working well.  Very pleased.  Had crusty bread, cheese, chorizo and pickles for supper followed by lardy cake.  Watched Lewis with a glass of wine.

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