
Awake at 6 so got up nice and early.  Walked suki and had breakfast by 8. Struggled to get old tv down the stairs.  Eventually balanced it on the stairlift and accompanied it down while Mike operated the chair. Then used wheelchair as a wheelbarrow to get it to the car.  Then passing guy put it in the front seat for me.  Had good journey down to Devon.  Satnav said A303 was quicker so went that way. Arrived about 12.40. Drive looks amazing.  Put car in car port at last!  Had a snack and then set up the laptop susie has given me.  Very pleased with it although very small ram and storage.  Should be good for Abel and cross stitch program.  Struggled in with tv. Walked suki in Parke.  Attempts to visit Mary afterwards were thwarted yet again - this time by road closed for hedge cutting.  Paid for drive when I got back using telephone banking. Then set up our old tv. Works well so good job all round and struggle was worth it.    Had pizza for supper which jayne had left in freezer.

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