
Woke early so got up and had shower etc and put recycling out. Very windy with intermittent showers.  Went for bracing walk on moor with jayne and suki.  Did the contour round from snall road car park and back along tramway route.  Then went for coffee at parke.  Had latte and cheese scone.  It started to rain but we sat there stoically!  Got back and I packed my bag and drove home.  Reasonably good journey.  Caught up with 2 weeks of archers.  Got home at 4 and took suki out for walk in Southfields.  Then set about setting up new television.  Got filthy from the dust taking old stuff down.  Previous TV fell off the bed whilst I was struggling with the big heavy stand and cables etc.  Was hoping to take it to Devon to replace dodgy one down there but possibly it will now be broken.  Spent some time trying to find a table that would be solid enough but eventually had configuration with which I was pleased - at least for the time being.  A proper unit would be nice though.  Very pleased with TV.  Left setting up internet and DVD player/recorder to another day as need to access router permissions.  Nothing much on to watch though!  Able to push bed nearer to the fireplace by about 6 inches giving a bigger space in the middle of the room and at last getting the benefit of a narrower bed in the room.  Lorraine came in about 9 and we had a nice thai curry together which she had made, with a glass of wine, and then banana cake and custard, and a good long catch up chat.  Went to bed at 11.

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