
Got up early again and took Suki for a walk in Parke.  Still raining but beginning to ease off and too warm for the number of layers I had on.  Came back and had porridge with blueberries and a cup of tea then off to ringing.  Ordered some duck eggs from Rowena.  Graham's sermon was accompanied by powerpoint presentation including this amazing (if slightly disturbing) video of a young american boy reciting the books of the bible  Bought some stuff at the fair trade stall after church and then went home and assembled the garden furniture then did the ironing watching more CSI.  Burnt my trousers which was a bit annoying!  Had nice lunch of stir fried vegetables and cheesy garlic bread. Then spent an hour or so trying to ring Norwich S Royal on handbells on Abel before taking Suki out for her walk. Still raining so went to parke again.  Slipped on mud - it is extremely muddy and slippery at the moment.  Tried to stitch tapestry to front of cushion cover but didn't work.  So undid it all and will make it into a cushion.  Watched endeavour, the prequel to morse, and went to bed.  Suki took her ball to bed with her.  She loves it and looks for it every time we come in from a walk.

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