Had an even longer lie-in this morning and only got up at 7.30. Slightly regretted drinking quite so much scotch last night (4). Had porridge and blueberries and took Suki up the moor again. Much brighter day but still very windy. Kept to reasonably flat ground - went from tourist centre car park out towards quarry then veered right to meet tramway - then round back through the quarry. Spent the rest of the day making cushions from the tapestry and cross stitch which had been hanging around for some time. Quite stressful but happy with the end product, especially the elephant. Also patched Lorraine's bag. I had fillet steak for lunch which I had got cheap from the butchers in town. Met Rowena in the park at 4 and she took Suki for a walk so I went and browsed in the library for a while and read the paper there, then mooched around some shops before going back to collect Suki at 5. When I got home Jayne had just arrived back so we had a long chat with a cup of tea. We had spag bol which I had made earlier (using Lloyd Grossman sauce) - except instead of spaghetti we tried rice macaroni which Jayne had tried on the plane over and I had happened to buy a bag of it from Kevin's when he was closing down. We watched Midsomer Murders and went to bed early with a hot drink.