Had small lie in and got up at 7.15. Not raining but cloudy. Had porridge and blueberries and then took suki out. Went up to the moor - bracing! Walked from small road car park RHS in the direction of Bovey then contoured round on good path and reasonably firm ground until I met the small road, then across and up to meet up with usual path via large cairn. Good to put more bits together. Very windy and rained occasionally. The drive is coming on and bricks now go across to the garage. Each one is hand laid by the boss man. Finally wrote letter to council re Mary's council tax and posted it with pile of junk mail being returned and card for Mary. Walked Suki to post office then carried on past library into field and then up footpath on rhs of field, over the road and up footpath into Parke. Had forgotten how pretty that path was and also how long it was. Made a good loop to come back through Mill Marsh park which was longer than the usual loop and didn't involve crouching down to cross under the road. Went ringing in the evening. Ordered duck eggs from Rowena - she gave me 3 and couldn't guarantee how old they were so gave them to me for nothing. Went to pub with Barry and Bob and drank beer then scotch. Mike in Antwerp for a meeting tomorrow.