Market day

This morning finished off the book I started yesterday -prisoner of birth by Jeffrey Archer.  We went to the market in the morning.  I bought some pink cut offs and some cheese and sausage to take home.  Lorraine bought a top and trousers and a necklace.  We bought Amanda some plants to say thanks for having us. After buying them we queued for ages to get a roast chicken from the stall. Only one man doing it all. But it was lovely and sunny so we didn't mind - and at least they did actually queue!  Had lunch of bread cheese pate and olives in the garden.  Sun very hot and decided to spend afternoon just sitting in the garden again.  Amanda and Lorraine carried on tidying up the garden and planting things.  Got quite cold and windy later.  Lorraine went in pool again and stayed in much longer this time.  In evening Amanda gave us both a hair cut.  I had quite a lot off the length.  Had thai take away and watched csi all evening.
Amanda and Lorraine
at the market
choosing plants
Lorraine enjoying the pool
Queuing for the Chicken.
Lady in front beginning to wilt!

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