Got up at 7 and had breakfast. Made up Mike's bed and printed off route round Alton Reservoir. Set off at 8.45 am and arrived at visitor centre at 11. Miserable wet day - persistent rain but reasonably light. Didn't have change for car park but man at cycle centre said they wouldn't be round to check on a day like today with such bad weather. Walked round cycle route, taking road alternative between Black Water Meadow and Birchwood. About 8 miles - took two and a half hours. Got so hot in waterproof jacket I took it off as got less damp from rain than from being too hot. When I got back had humus and olive bread with flask of tea sitting in back of boot with Suki. Had planned to have cat nap but last minute check of itinerary showed me ringing finished at 3 not 3.30 as I had thought. So set off straight away for St Margarets in Ipswich. Got there 20 mins before the end. Succeeded in getting handbike, Penny's bike, wheelchair, Mike, P...