Sunday 25 August

Got up and walked Suki before going to 8 am service. Mike playing organ.  Rang at Barnes and Chiswick - making band up to 8.  Got home just before 11 and had chat with Lorraine on the phone.  Leanne had won £241 on bingo - Carolyn had paid for the books!  They were off to bingo again today before going to Fabian's barbecue.  Did the washing from yesterday and put computer on to sort out blog.  Ended up spending most of the afternoon sorting it out and copying it into the diary folder on the computer, including uninstalling app and reinstalling and re-typing Thursdays and Saturdays blogs which had disappeared.  Have discovered some of the photos have lost their link to the original.  Probably because I move them around to reposition them after publishing.  Finding the positioning of photos very tricky.  Have decided not to risk this again and will just resize them in future - they always go in as large when adding them via the app and I prefer the medium size.  I can reposition when putting them into Word for the computer/printed version.  Not sure Word is the best format either as still tricky to position photos, and Publisher might be better but having spent all afternoon on the blog decided that was a project for another day.  Mike did his tax return - I produced all the relevant bits of paper for interest and dividends courtesy of my much improved electronic filing system - and then took Suki for a walk and then went off to attempt QP at East Molesey.  Cambridge 6 which they didn't' get because of too many mistakes.  I have agreed to ring in the next attempt. Did cross stitch in the afternoon and made a good start on new block.  Stopped when Mike got in just after 7 and had pizza salad and garlic bread for supper with beer.  Found a new channel called Drama which had things I like on it.  Watched 3 episodes of the first season of Call the Midwife.  Retuned the DVD recorder so that it had the new channel so that I could record in future.  Watched Dragon's Den and Room 101. Read Web User magazine in bed with scotch before going to sleep at 11.45.

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