Tuesday 20 August

Went for walk round Walberswick.  Through nature reserve,  across common and along river to sea. Had cup of tea at beach hut.  Lovely sunny day. Had intended to do shorter walk today because suki tired and somewhat reluctant to walk but got carried away and ended up walking for two and a half hours.  When I went through the gate into the nature reserve Suki seemed inordinately interested in something on the ground underneath it.  Turned out to be a bird on ground right by the gate. Not moving.  Possibly injured.  Definitely in shock.  Had gone when I returned.  Had mushrooms (left over from breakfast) on toast for lunch.  Did cross stitch in afternoon. Went to nearby londis and stocked up on adnams Southwold bitter at £17 for 12 bottles.  Went to pick up Mike from last tower as 12 mile cycle back. Had to take Suki for short walk away from tower as she was very distressed by the ringing.  Mike was keen to cycle back so I took the chair back and he really enjoyed the cycle without having to tow it. Fish and chips cooked by Peter v and Jonathan for supper. 
The bird (injured?) on the ground
The footpath by the river in Walberswick

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