Wednesday 21 August

Took wheelchair to westhall and walked suki for 45 mins along nice footpath in nearby fields. . Then took chair to Beccles.  Nightmare parking.  In the end used blue badge.  Delivered chair and rang course of London royal.  Suki hated every minute of ringing.  Looked after by Anne while I rang.  Went to Dunwich forest and had jam sandwiches and flask of tea.  Then walked St Helena trail.  Took hour and a half.  Then went to st Peters brewery and bought lots of beer.  Waited for cyclists.  They just missed the bar. Transported beer for Simon and Jonathan. Went back to bunkhouse and arrived just as mark chilcott got off train.  Sat in courtyard drinking tea.  When Mike got back tried out the wheat beer which had been on special offer.   Pie and wedges cooked by Lawrence and Sylvia for supper.

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