Wednesday 7 August

Got up 7.30 and had breakfast.  Did first load of washing.  Went out with suki at 9 up to moor.  Templar way from small car park then up bridleway and back along contour path.  Nice hour long trip.  Hot and sunny.  Went to Tracey house and brought Mary back to house for coffee.  Good idea as could see Mike and also get change of scenery.  And I could get on with washing and hanging it out.  Took her back for lunch.  We had soup.  Then went to beauty salon for relaxing back massage.  Wonderful!  Mike had finished jigsaw when I got back.   Took suki to plantation in the afternoon.  Mike went ringing at Lustleigh.  I cleared hedge cuttings into green bin and practiced some Carlisle and Rutland on Abel.  Then watched Lewis with glass of wine. 

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