Monday 19 August

Similar start to the day.  Didn't wash up but sneaked out to nearby londis while suki distracted by food to get more red milk. Made flask of tea today which was very welcome later.   Went for long walk from Dunwich forest to Dunwich heath then round along cliff path and on up to Dunwich through national trust mount Pleasant Farm and picking up Suffolk coast path.  From there walked back to forest.  Two sets of toilets which came in handy.   Stopped for tea on cliff path. Path over Dunwich heath narrow through mass of purple heather with occasional splashes of yellow gorse.  Coast path at Dunwich goes past remains of franciscan priory.  Lots of warning signs about propensity of cliff edge to crumble. Walk took over 3 hours.  Got back about 2  and finished off salad.  Did cross stitch in afternoon.  When they got back sat around in courtyard drinking beer and then wine. Suki noticeably calmer although still manic about the pool cues.  Had shepherd's pie for supper.  Helped wash up.  Went to bed at 10. 
Suki and Mike in the courtyard
The path on Dunwich Heath
The ruins of the Franciscan priory at Dunwich

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