Saturday 17 August

Better division of labour this time.  Mike walked suki while I packed the car.  Would have left at target time if I hadn't walked dog pooh through the house!  Spent 10 mins cleaning shoes and carpets.  Left at 9.15.  Arrived at pub in Yoxford at 11.45.  First to arrive.  Got bike out and then had crab and crayfish mayo baguette for lunch.  Mike went off at 1.30 (penny late because of faulty indicators).Suki and I went off to Dunwich forest and had a lovely walk.  Got to Darsham at 5 and unpacked,  sorted bed and mattress etc. Suki barked at everyone as they arrived.  Also manic barking at anyone playing pool-she only had to hear a pool ball being hit from wherever she was and she rushed in to the living room to bark at them.  Ended up sitting in bedroom with her as being a pain.  Steve and Harriet cooked sausage and mash for supper.  I didn't have the spotted dick pudding. Helped with washing up.  Pk has cancer.

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