Wednesday 28 August

Walked suki up to Chiswick to pick up keys via Chiswick House.  Had to nudge suki into the water to convince her it was shallow enough to stand in. Went to pet shop on the way home and staggered back with a rucksack full of treats and a 5kg bag of food in each hand. Svetla's last day before her operation. Had lentil rice and meatballs from lebanese for lunch.  Did cross stitch in afternoon which put me ahead of schedule for the first time. Went for supper with Caroline and pru.  Pru had forgotten so just came for a drink as her husband was cooking a special supper.  Had a lovely evening.  Finished "Girl Missing" by Tess Gerritsen. Mediocre. Watched Midsomer murders with a scotch.  Suki chewing at her tail and under belly a lot.

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