Sunday 18 August

Got up at 7 and had shower.  Breakfast at 7.30.  I just had my own muesli and yoghurt. Helped with washing up.  Got Mike off and waited for others to leave.  Then went round closing windows.  Did teeth and went to Walberswick nature reserve.  Walked the length along public footpath.  Narrow and sometimes a boardwalk.  Thick high reed beds on either side for most of it.  Came back along Suffolk coast path and back through Dunwich forest picking up trail I was on yesterday.  About two and a half hours.  Went back to Darsham and had salad sandwiches for lunch.  Then did cross stitch until they got back at 6.  Suki got under people's feet in kitchen so took her off for an hour round circuit locally.  Worked well.  Had roast chicken breast for supper.  Actually my turn to wash up this time.  Finished by 9 - one hour earlier than yesterday!  Had early night.

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