Thursday 22 August

Dad's birthday.  Finished packing all the stuff and put it all in the car except for Mike's bag which went in Penny's car.  Mike set off to cycle with Anne.  I helped clean bunkhouse and locked up. Took chair to Aldeburgh.  Had intended to walk for a couple of hours in Dunwich forest before going home, but weather was wet and miserable and Suki was tired so decided to drive straight home.  Got home at 12.30.  Lorraine was there having got back from Majorca the day before.  We went to Ealing where Lorraine sold a ring and changed up her Euros and then we had lunch at a Thai restaurant and caught up with each other's news.  Went to Tesco on the way back.  Lorraine skilfully used vouchers to get £20 worth of stuff for £4.  Got home and took Suki for walk in Southfields park.  Then unpacked all the stuff and put it away and sorted the washing into piles - hoping for better weather tomorrow and Lorraine had lots of washing hanging around the place so seemed better to leave mine until the next day.  Watched Lewis in the evening with black cherry cider and packet of crisps (too full from lunch to eat a meal again).  Lorraine watched with me - while doing her ironing.  Had early night.

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