Friday 19th September

Up for hours with Suki in the night as huge thunderstorm. Ended up sleeping for a while on the landing outside the bathroom as she had settled a bit in there. Finally got back to bed around 5. Rang a peal of Rutland on 5-6 with Steve Hamish and Muffie in the morning. I was a bit wobbly to start but eventually settled down. Got a congratulatory email from Tim, who had seen it and Wednesday's and was jealous of success, when I got home which was a nice surprise. Internet very slow all day as still uploading Trishas photos to Bellringers site. Much better once that had finished.  Went ringing later than Mike and participated well in the practice. It finished a bit early and Mike an I got away promptly so I was hopeful of getting home early as I had parked outside the pub to facilitate this. However  despite ordering our food we were served last, even after Gill and Tony who had sat down and drunk a pint before ordering. They had to go out and buy the nachos but they didn't say anything to us about a delay. I had already complained about the barman abandoning me in the middle of serving me to go and change the barrel of special, even though I hadn't ordered special. They must have though I was the customer from hell. Had some sparkling non alcoholic wine when I got in which I took to bed.

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