Sunday 21st September

Got up at 8 am and Mike and I had a cup of tea and a slice of toast and jam.  Gill and Martin got up about an hour later and after they had had the same Gill Mike Suki and I went out for a walk - with Mikey coming to join us at the last minute.  We went to the country park again and did the same walk as yesterday.  It was a lovely sunny morning if a bit windy. Went to The Queens Head in Sheet for lunch - very slow service and several mistakes with the food and bill, but the food was excellent.  In the afternoon Mike, Simon and Gill played their new game, Catan, with Mike being very firm about following the rules precisely and Simon getting quite wound up about it at times, although he still won! I sat with them and played Bejewelled.  Drove home at 5 and had a good journey back.  Mike did the scoring of the MD applicants and then I updated the database for him.  I did the agenda for the Choir committee meeting and then read a book for a while - most unusually.  Had a great evening thereafter watching the new series of Downton Abbey and polishing off the red wine I had opened a couple of days earlier.  Broke into the Dalwinnie to accompany my ovaltine at bed time and went to sleep listening to music on phone.

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