Saturday 20th September

Had a nice lie in and a relaxed start. Mike had his shower and then we had breakfast. I got ready while he walked Suki and then I packed a bag and we headed off to Petersfield for a weekend with Gill and Martin. We only left at 12 and the traffic was terrible around Barnes but we had a good journey after that. Lunch was ready when we arrived and we had home made soup and delicious garlic bread. The. We all went for a walk in Queen Elizabeth Country Park. Gill and I caused a cyclist to have a minor heart attack as we were walking along the mountain biking track! So we found another path back to the car park which was much safer. Went to Tesco with Martin when we got back and saw a Hudl on display but it wouldn't turn on! Had lovely beef dinner with lots of wine and an interesting coffee liquer to finish.

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