Thursday 11th September

Got up at 7.30 after a great night's sleep and took suki out up on to the moor before breakfast. The moor was looking glorious, covered in yellow and purple and it soon worked its magic on me. Had porridge when I got back. Jayne went out for a haircut. I went to Trago as I needed to get out of Bovey before they closed the roads for the Tour of Britain cycle race which was coming through at midday.  Got a few bits then went to Exeter Sainsburys and got petrol. Rang handbells with Tim, Lynne and Sue Sawyer. Tried for 6xSpliced but unsuccessful. In the afternoon started moving stuff around in the sun lounge preparing for sofa etc. moved stereo system into living room - which took all the time I had! Picked up Joyce from New Park and went over to handbells and had a great evening. Took hot drink to bed when I got in.

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