Sunday 7th September

Mike playing the organ today.  I went to 8 am and then Monica and I decided to go to Gail's for porridge rather than Guliano's. I took Barnes ringers over to Chiswick - and Monica took them back again.  Got home (Lorraine not in and not note - so we still haven't spoken properly now since Wednesday evening) and produced the dedicated ringing card, and also started the process for a new order of Middlesex clothing.  Had Waitrose fish cakes with mash potato, grilled tomato and cabbage for lunch.  Was going to have the carrot and ginger mash I had made but it had gone so presumably Lorraine had it yesterday.  Mike took Suki for a walk.  Lorraine came in just as I was finishing the washing up from lunch and beginning to wonder where Mike was.  She was on the phone and went straight into the living room without acknowledging me! So I went out as we were going to ring handbells at Steve's and we were already late.  Spent all afternoon trying to ring surprise minor again without success.  Mary went and got a vietnamese take away and we enjoyed that with some white wine.  Got in reasonably early and went to bed with a sloe gin!

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