Thursday 18th September

Got up at 6.30 and made breakfast.  Mike went off to work at 7.30 and I got ready.  Malc rang so chatted to him for an hour and then washed up and took Suki out.  Finished The Girl Next Door on Audible and listened to Just a Minute.  Bought a couple more audio books in the sale but haven't downloaded them yet.  Spent the morning on admin and practising Rutland for tomorrow. Had muesli and yoghurt for lunch. Spent the rest of the day trying to upload Trishas photos to the ringers site - still a way to go when I went to bed. Took suki to the vet at 6 and got more tablets and flea stuff. Popped to Tesco and got a few bits. Watched Wycliffe with a glass of red wine and made a lentil and veg "stew" which was delicious and used up cabbage and carrot from freezer. Finished off the sloe gin with hot drink as nightcap and went to sleep listening to Jim Reeves through sleep headphones.

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