Saturday 30 August

Removals turned up at 8 am. Mike went out to ring QPs then too. Spent all morning till 2 pm cleaning out extension and rearranging stuff to give more clearance for Mike now organ has gone. Then started on back room to accommodate futons.  Ended up cleaning and rearranging bathroom too. Cleared out wardrobe, putting many shoes in the recycling (including the pair that had stuck to the wardrobe floor!) and finally dumped all back copies of Web User. Mike came in about 4 but was very tired so I walked Suki. Extension looking clean and tidy, but upstairs in total chaos - but I had run out of oomph by then and having cleared my bed so I could get in it I decided to leave the rest for tomorrow.  Got ready and went to Cantanti party hosted by Stephen, ok. Nice nibbles. Made bottle of Brakepeare last all night. Martin had done photo book for. Geoffrey which was very good (and occupied Mike for nearly an hour). Left just after 10 which was good.
The chaos - it got much worse before it got better
New neat arrangement in extension
Lots more room and no more spiders or cobwebs!
Looking in from outside - how long will it stay this neat!

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