Monday 15th September

Jayne and I took Suki for a long walk in the Plantation in the morning, and then went to Exeter.  We drove to the Sowton Park and Ride and took the bus in to the centre and had a happy time mooching about the shops.  We went to Cafe Rouge for lunch and I had my favourite Steak Frites with a large glass of red wine - Jayne paid (she had clubcard boost vouchers). Got back in the afternoon about 3.30 and after a cup of tea we both took Suki for a walk round the block.  I tried to go down the footpath leading to Drake Lane, but it was very overgrown and i got my feet stung by stinging nettles.  When I looked round both Jayne and Suki had stayed on the road!  So we went round by Coombe Close and then down the bridlepath.  I went ringing in the evening - we rang plain hunt on 4 for Lisa, Barry and Chris.  Lisa and Barry both did very well.  Went to the pub afterwards with Barry and Bob and then went home for a glass of wine with Jayne before taking hot drink to bed with toffee vodka nightcap.  Took a Nytol tablet to try and ensure a good night's sleep.

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