Sunday 14th September

Went to Parke at 7.30 then had breakfast before going ringing. Just 8 of us and we rang 8! Stayed to service as found out it was holy communion. Made arrangements with Ann and Margaret to go out to lunch. Rang Brookside when I got back and got a cancellation table for 4 which was very lucky as they were very full. Sorted out my threads from finished kits and put wolf on to smaller frame then we walked down to Brookside. Had very nice lunch of broccoli and Stilton soup, roast lamb and banoffee pie. Bob came round in the afternoon and helped us get the organ in to the sun lounge. Now quite crowded in there but still looking ok. Went up to see Mary and then went for a walk in Parke. Watched final two episodes of Honourable Woman. Had nice email from Mike.

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