Saturday 13th September

Got up early and took suki for short walk round the block then had breakfast and went over to Exeter for a handbell peal attempt with Tim, Sue Sparling and Barrie Hendry. A couple of false starts we then rang for 2 hours 5 mins and it came round. No way we were ringing that quickly so Tim decided he must have missed a part out.  He definitely put me wrong in a kerfuffle. Of course he blamed me and the treble although not too strongly. Went back and we got the sofa and chair in to the sun lounge. It looked good and the room did not look as "busy" as the photo makes it appear. Then went for a walk on the moor - small car park up to black hill and back along the ridge. Ran out of time to go and see Mary. Got into comfies and fleeces when we got back and watched two more episodes of Honourable woman with pasta, spinach and red wine.

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