Monday 1st September

Slept like a log!  Got up late - at 8 am.  Aches and pains seemed to have receded, although wrist still very sore from humping furniture around. Supposed to be having an Indian Summer this week so washed my sheets - it started raining as I was hanging them out and didn't stop all day! Left them out anyway. Put the final bits and pieces away and caught up with emails and personal admin. Frustrating time on the phone to Post Office savings failing to get anyone to deal with my problem of having two online ids and thus unable to transfer money between accounts. Wrote several personal emails to friends and John - have been meaning to do this for ages. Went ringing at Chiswick. Reasonably well attended. Had sausage and mash in the pub - they didn't have the new Fullers lager "Frontier" which was a shame as I would have liked to have tried it. When we got in Lorraine wanted me to look for a spider behind the bottles on the "bar" but I couldn't find it. Had another nice dollop of toffee vodka with a hot drink to take to bed.

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