Wednesday 3rd September

Mike went to work.   Got up early to go with him and walk back from Chiswick House only to find there was dog sick all over the place downstairs.  Suki went straight out and lay on the lawn when I opened the door.  So she clearly wasn't up for a long walk.  Mopped all the sick up and then did breakfast.  Suki came in when Mike left but didn't make a sound. Spent the morning finishing the handbell music. Got the blue screen of death on the laptop just as I had finished but luckily was able to log back on again. Laptop definitely on its last legs. Lorraine went out all day with her friend, leaving the  washing line stuck in the hole. I sprayed WD40 down it and tried several times through the day to extract it but all to no avail. Suki bucked up about midday somintook her out for a walk but she clearly wasn't 100%. Put my old shoes in the recycling bin as they didn't take them on Tuesday as they weren't bagged.popped out later to post Mikes parcel of music. Came home and cooked all the veg. Made korma and pasta sauce plus green beans with mash potato and  roasted squash for supper. Finished bottle of red wine and toffee vodka while watching Lewis. Retuned tv and DVD player. 

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