Saturday 6th September

Went to Ringing Roadshow - dropped Suki off at 9 am at Lee and Emma's and then picked up Monica.  Got there about 10.20 and stayed all day.  The weather was good which helped.  Bought a few bits and pieces and went to amusing talk by Steve Coleman and an amazing handbell concert by a very large group of ringers - the biggest bells were enormous and made of aluminium as bronze would have been too heavy to lift. Saw Jay and had a coffee with her for about 10 mins.  Food outlets minimal and had to queue for nearly 30 minutes to get a pasty.  Earned lots of brownie points though by getting pasties for Barry, Bob and friend whom I had met at the beer tent (where else!). Had pint of lager with my pasty and then "did" the stalls.  Monica and I ran out of steam about 4.30 and sat down with a cup of coffee in the sunshine and then went to the car to read.  Mike arrived at the car just after 6, having just rung a QP on one of the mini rings! Called in to Park Royal on the way home and had chinese buffet - which was very good but not a great eating experience, more of a refuelling exercise.  Got in not too late by which time Suki was home.  She was tired out and not much interested in food, having been out at Richmond Park all day with a doggy picnic.  Emma sent me some great photos, including some of the artistic things she had been doing with mushrooms .

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