Friday 5th September

Lorraine went out while I was walking Suki and I didn't see her all day although she did text to say she was at a work event.  Cleared out the bookshelves of old Aces paperwork etc and put lots of books out to go to the Harvest Fair, creating more space so was able to move books from dressing table at last.  Cleared out dressing table drawer and put all candles and incense in there - so now dressing table nice and clear for cleaning.  Also threw away stuff from bedroom mantlepiece so much clearer.  Greased the washing line pole and did some washing.  Went to Barnes as reserve for QP as dedicated ringing for Philip and Shelagh Mitchell.  They were present throughout to listen to it and provided cake to go with the cup of tea afterwards.  Had nachos at the pub after practice which were very good again.  Mike stayed on to watch the cricket so I got a lift home with Monica.  Opened the sloe gin for a nightcap when I got in - heavenly!

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